Acronym | Word or Phrase Acronym Stands For |
°C | Degrees Celsius |
△ | Change |
ADPS | Aquarius Data Processing System |
AETD | Applied Engineering & Technology Directorate |
AGU | American Geophysical Union |
AICB | Aquarius Instrument Connector Bracket |
AMOC | Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation |
AMSR-E | Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS |
AR | Augmented Reality |
ASI | Agenzia Spaziale Italiana |
ATC | Active Thermal Control |
AVHRR | Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer |
Cal/Val | Calibration/Validation |
CAP | Combined Active Passive |
CINDY | Cooperative Indian Ocean Experiment on Intraseasonal Variability |
CLIVAR | Climate Variability and Predictability |
CMIP | Coupled Model Intercomparison Project |
CMORPH | CPC MORPHing technique |
CMS | Catalina Marine Society |
CNES | Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales |
CO2 | Carbon Dioxide |
CONAE | Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales |
CryoSat | Cryogenic Satellite |
DCS | Data Collection System |
DPU | Digital Processing Unit |
DR | Deflection Ratio |
DYNAMO | Dynamics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation |
E | Evaporation |
EDT | Eastern Daylight Time |
ENSO | El Niño/Southern Oscillation |
EOS | Earth Observing System |
EOSPSO | EOS Project Science Office |
EPO | Education and Public Outreach |
ESR | Earth & Space Research |
ESSP | Earth System Science Pathfinder |
FAQs | Frequently Asked Questions |
FOT | Flight Operations Team |
FPPD | Flight Program & Projects Directorate |
FSW | Scatterometer Flight SoftWare |
GHRSST | Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature |
GHz | Gigahertz |
GLDAS | Global Land Data Assimilation System |
GRACE | Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment |
GSE | Ground Support Equipment |
GSFC | Goddard Space Flight Center |
HSC | High Sensitivity Camera |
ICDS | Instrument Control and Data System |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IFREMER | Français de Recherche Pour l'Exploitation de la Mer |
IGARSS | International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium |
INPE | Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais |
ITCZ | Inter Tropical Convergence Zone |
JCOPE2 | Japan Coastal Ocean Predictability Experiment |
JGR | Journal of Geophysical Research |
JPL | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
JSTARS | Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing |
L2 | Level 2 |
LC | Loop Current |
LDM | Lower Deployment Mechanism |
LIT-INPE | Laboratório de Integração e Testes - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais |
LPT | Limited Performance Test |
LVA | Launch Vehicle Adapter |
MERRA | Modern-era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications |
MinCyT | Argentine Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovative Production |
MODIS | Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer |
MOM | Modular Ocean Model |
MWR | Microwave Radiometer |
NAAEE | North American Association for Environmental Education |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NCEP | National Centers for Environmental Prediction |
NECC | North Equatorial Counter Current |
NEO | NASA Earth Observations |
NGSS | Next Generation Science Standards |
NIOST | Northern Indian Ocean Salt Transport |
NIRST | New Infrared Sensor Technology |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NSES | National Science Education Standards |
NSIDC | National Snow and Ice Data Center |
OAFlux | Objectively Analyzed air-sea Fluxes |
OCO | Orbiting Carbon Observatory |
OI | Optimum Interpolation |
OLS | Ocean Literacy Standards |
OSCAR | Ocean Surface Current Analyses - Real time |
OSST | Ocean Salinity Science Team |
P | Precipitation |
PALS | Passive-Active L- and S-band |
PDF | Portable Document Format |
PDT | Pacific Daylight Time |
PI | Principal Investigator |
PLAR | Post Launch Assessment Review |
PO.DAAC | Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center |
PSU | Practical Salinity Units |
RAMA | Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction |
RFI | Radio Frequency Interference |
RTU | Remote Terminal Unit |
S-max | Salinity maximum |
S/P | Service Platform |
SAC | Satellite for Scientific Applications |
SARAL | Satellite with Argos and Altika |
SEATS | SouthEast Asian Time-series Study |
SISS | Satellite & In Situ Salinity |
SMAP | Soil Moisture Active/Passive |
SMOS | Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity |
SODA | Simple Ocean Data Assimilation |
Sp | Practical salinity |
SPCZ | South Pacific Convergence Zone |
SPURS | Salinity Processes in the upper Ocean Regional Study |
SSPA | Solid State Power Amplifier |
SSS | Sea Surface Salinity |
SST | Sea Surface Temperature |
STEM | Science, Technology, Math and Engineering |
STUW | Subtropical Underwater |
SVS | Scientific Visualization Studio |
TIW | Tropical Instability Wave |
TOPAZ | Tracking Operation Pre-Amplifier Zone |
TOPEX | Ocean Topography Experiment |
TRMM | Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission |
UDM | Upper Deployment Mechanism |
UT | Universal Time |
VAFB | Vandenberg Air Force Base |
VC-HS | Visibly Clean - Highly Sensitive |
VIIRS | Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite |