Disclaimer: This material is being kept online for historical purposes. Though accurate at the time of publication, it is no longer being updated. The page may contain broken links or outdated information, and parts may not function in current web browsers. Visit the NASA Salinity website for more information.

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Science Meetings

Page Descriptions
Introduction to the science and reasoning behind the Aquarius mission and the features we're seeing from the satellite's data
  • A brief history of the Aquarius mission from development, construction, testing, and lift off through production of the First Light image
  • Definition of salinity, its importance to the global water cycle, and what the Aquarius satellite tells us about climate change and how the ocean works
  • Answers to frequently asked questions about the Aquarius mission from top investigators, scientists, and program officials at NASA
  • Links to NASA websites (headquarters, directorates, science offices, data portal), CONAE, science affiliates, and contractors
Background on the water cycle, ocean circulation, implications for climate change, and who else is measuring ocean salinity
  • Aquarius data: images (sea surface salinity, radiometer/scatterometer RFI), unexpected discoveries, improving capabilities, and how salinity is measured
  • Scientists are re-evaluating unique oceanic phenomena based on better-than-expected alignment of ocean circulation features (eddies, TIWs) and Aquarius data
  • Compilation of links relating to Aquarius data collection, including telemetry monitors, data plots, and info on data processing status and changes
  • List of peer-reviewed science publications relative to the Aquarius mission
  • Online webinars from key scientists about the Aquarius mission, ocean salinity, and the SPURS research project
Aquarius data are available from two locations: PO.DAAC (NASA JPL) and GSFC
  • Overview of the data maps scientists are producing using Aquarius/SAC-D instrumentation
  • Description of the key elements required to measure ocean salinity
  • Description of Version 4 processing steps for the calibration and validation of Aquarius data
  • Description of Version 3 processing steps for the calibration and validation of Aquarius data
Science Meetings
Summary of workshops and science meetings relating to the Aquarius mission with links to event documents, abstracts, posters and presentations

Images, movies, podcasts and slideshows related to the Aquarius mission (also displayed in aquarius data, science and technology categories)

Gallery: Aquarius Data
Overview of the data maps scientists are producing using Aquarius/SAC-D instrumentation
  • Monthly composite maps of sea surface salinity from the Aquarius mission
  • Monthly composite maps of sea surface salinity averaged by month and by season
  • Monthly global RFI maps at the frequency of the radiometers on board the Aquarius satellite
  • Monthly global RFI maps at the frequency of the scatterometer on board the Aquarius satellite
  • Weekly composite maps of sea surface salinity at at latitudes higher than 50 degrees based on Aquarius satellite data
  • Weekly composite maps showing Aquarius brightness temperature measurements recorded at vertical polarization and latitudes greater than 50 degrees
  • Weekly composite maps of sea surface salinity for the North Atlantic Ocean based on the optimum interpolation analysis of Aquarius data
  • Monthly composite maps of sea surface density derived from Aquarius science products
  • Monthly composite maps of soil moisture from the Aquarius mission
Overview of the communication and public engagement efforts associated with the Aquarius mission, with links to educational resources
  • Images, movies, and podcasts from the Aquarius mission relating to the water cycle, ocean circulation, climate and satellite technology
  • Educational activities relating to the water cycle, ocean circulation, climate and satellite technology, with instructions and questions for teachers
  • Educational resources grouped by theme according to salinity, water cycle, ocean circulation and climate
  • Clips from scientist-led sessions explore the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) behind a variety of ocean and earth science topics
  • Student outcomes aligned with education standards and grouped by theme according to the water cycle, ocean circulation, climate and 21st century technology
  • In this two-part webinar series, two educators share their experiences teaching earth science concepts to their students using inquiry-based methods
  • Scientist-led workshops designed to help educators understand, explain and teach concepts related to ocean salinity
A compilation of news articles from around the web relating to the Aquarius mission

Mission Status & Events
A compilation of status reports, interviews, events and announcements relating to the Aquarius mission

Personnel and teams (Operations, Development, Science, EPO, OSST) associated with the Aquarius mission

Resources from the NASA Education & Public Outreach Office relating to ocean circulation, the water cycle, climate and the Aquarius satellite

Forum (PO.DAAC)
Offsite link to NASA's Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC)