Aquarius Meetings
January 9-11, 2017
Santa Rosa, CA
Documents: 24
In early 2017, an Aquarius Science Calibration/Validation (Cal/Val) workshop was held to plan the final data processing release (Version 5 or "V5"). Objectives included: evaluating performance improvements from recent algorithm changes (i.e., 4.5.x processing); re-assessing seasonal and regional biases to identify causes; using SMAP salinity retrievals to improve understanding of Aquarius data; assessing state of instrument calibration analyses; investigating in-water data to support Aquarius validation; discussing additional products (e.g., RIM) and finalizing V5 contents; and setting up a schedule for final documentation.
Agenda | Documents
March 29-30, 2016
Santa Rosa, CA
Documents: 18
In late March 2016, the two-day Aquarius Science Calibration/Validation (Cal/Val) workshop was held at Remote Sensing Systems (Santa Rosa, CA). The meeting was focused on understanding the path towards completing the Aquarius Version 5 (V5) processing algorithm. Participants addressed key issues related to possible seasonal and regional biases in Aquarius data, the need for additional evaluation products to assess algorithm performance, and how salinity retrievals from the SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) mission could help to improve Aquarius V5 processing.
Agenda | Documents
November 17-19, 2015
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Documents: 54
In November 2015, the 10th Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team meeting was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The goal of the meeting was to share and review science accomplishments and consider science objectives for sustained observations in the future with the Aquarius record as a foundation. The first two days of the meeting focused on the many ongoing and concluding Aquarius and SAC-D science projects, including the results of data and product applications from general users, algorithms progress, and education and public outreach activities. The final day of the meeting focused on a survey of the development of ocean research by NASA and CONAE in the South Atlantic, including prospects for further international collaboration.
Agenda | Documents
March 31-April 1, 2015
Santa Rosa, CA
Documents: 16
In 2015, the Aquarius Science team met for the Science Calibration/Validation Workshop held in Santa Rosa, California. The two-day meeting was focused on the path to Version 4 data processing.
Agenda | Documents
November 11-14, 2014
Seattle, Washington
Documents: 69
In November 2014, the Aquarius/SAC-D satellite mission convened the 9th Science Meeting in Seattle, WA, USA. This was the 3rd science meeting since the mission was launched on 10 June 2011. This meeting was scheduled to coincide with the completion of NASA's Aquarius 3-year prime salinity measurement mission in November. The agenda emphasized the scientific achievements of these three years, validating the NASA mission science requirements, and to form future plans for Aquarius extended mission science (NASA Senior Review in 2015). The meeting focused on the Aquarius/SAC-D science team and the NASA Ocean Salinity Science Team (OSST) activities.
Agenda | Documents
November 12-14, 2013
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Documents: 60
In November 2013, the eighth Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The meeting was focused on the mission health and status, data analysis, scientific results, instrument performance, data processing, calibration, validation and mission science requirements assessment. The program consisted of a series of plenary session covering science overviews, the latest algorithms for Aquarius and Microwave Radiometer (MWR) sensors, and a series of excellent presentations on data validation and science results with Aquarius data, in addition to more technical splinter meetings.
Agenda | Documents
April 15-17, 2013
Brest, France
Documents: 44
In April 2013, over 120 members of the international science community met at IFREMER (Brest, France) to discuss understanding salinity using satellites (e.g., European Space Agency's "Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity," SMOS and NASA's Aquarius instrument), in-water instruments (e.g., Argo Program), and computer models. The goal of this workshop was to provide the SMOS and Aquarius science communities with an overview on the present quality of the provided data, and an outlook on future algorithm developments.
Agenda | Abstracts | Meeting Summary | Documents
January 29-30, 2013
Online Workshop
Documents: 21
In late January 2013, over 90 people participated in the online 3-day Aquarius Science Calibration/Validation (Cal/Val) workshop. Objectives included assessing the following: overall accuracy of the data; radiometer calibration performance; antenna pattern correction; performance of the radio frequency interference (RFI) mitigation algorithm; scatterometer performance; and accuracy of geophysical modeling algorithms. The workshop provided a thorough review of sensor calibration and science data processing status, leading to a successful dissemination of Aquarius V2.0 in winter 2013.
Agenda | Documents
October 29 - November 1, 2012
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
Documents: 0
Held at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, the October 2012 Aquarius Science Calibration/Validation workshop focused on reviewing the post-launch Calibration/Validation plan, and making decisions on the path toward Version 2.0 processing.
Agenda | Documents
April 11-13, 2012
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Documents: 46
The first post-launch Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina in April, 2012. More than 120 scientists and engineers from around the world shared scientific findings along with the status of each observatory instrument and its data. Presentations focused on the first data analysis, including the in-orbit checkout, data processing, calibration, validation and near-term data analysis.
Objectives and Agenda | Documents
March 26-28, 2012
Santa Rosa, CA
Documents: 0
The Aquarius Calibration/Validation Workshop took place in Santa Rosa, California in late March 2012. The objectives of the two day workshop were to (1) assess radiometer calibration performance, (2) review tht RFI mitigation algorithms, (3) review scatterometer calibration performance and algorithm, (4)review the geophysical correction algorithms and performance, and to make decisions on the path towards Aquarius data Version 1.4 processing.
Agenda | Documents
November 15-17, 2011
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
Documents: 36
The objective of the 2011 Aquarius Calibration/Validation Workshop was to discuss post-launch plans for the Calibration and Validation of the Aquarius/SAC-D satellite. The three day workshop's objectives were to: (1) review the radio frequency interference (RFI) mitigation algorithms, review the (2) radiometer and (3) scatterometer calibration performance, (4) assess the performance of geophysical correction algorithms, and (5) make decisions that would lead to the processing of data Version 1.3.
Agenda | Documents
July 19-21, 2010
Seattle, Washington
Documents: 31
In July 2010, over 100 members of the international Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team community met in Seattle, WA. This was the 6th Science Team meeting and the last before the launch of the Aquarius/SAC-D satellite in June 2011. The meeting focused on the science team's preparations for launch, including the in-orbit checkout, data processing, calibration, validation and near-term data analysis, as well as near-term science applications.
Objectives and Agenda | Documents
Santa Rosa, CA
Documents: 24
In early 2017, an Aquarius Science Calibration/Validation (Cal/Val) workshop was held to plan the final data processing release (Version 5 or "V5"). Objectives included: evaluating performance improvements from recent algorithm changes (i.e., 4.5.x processing); re-assessing seasonal and regional biases to identify causes; using SMAP salinity retrievals to improve understanding of Aquarius data; assessing state of instrument calibration analyses; investigating in-water data to support Aquarius validation; discussing additional products (e.g., RIM) and finalizing V5 contents; and setting up a schedule for final documentation.
Agenda | Documents
Santa Rosa, CA
Documents: 18
In late March 2016, the two-day Aquarius Science Calibration/Validation (Cal/Val) workshop was held at Remote Sensing Systems (Santa Rosa, CA). The meeting was focused on understanding the path towards completing the Aquarius Version 5 (V5) processing algorithm. Participants addressed key issues related to possible seasonal and regional biases in Aquarius data, the need for additional evaluation products to assess algorithm performance, and how salinity retrievals from the SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) mission could help to improve Aquarius V5 processing.
Agenda | Documents
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Documents: 54
In November 2015, the 10th Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team meeting was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The goal of the meeting was to share and review science accomplishments and consider science objectives for sustained observations in the future with the Aquarius record as a foundation. The first two days of the meeting focused on the many ongoing and concluding Aquarius and SAC-D science projects, including the results of data and product applications from general users, algorithms progress, and education and public outreach activities. The final day of the meeting focused on a survey of the development of ocean research by NASA and CONAE in the South Atlantic, including prospects for further international collaboration.
Agenda | Documents
Santa Rosa, CA
Documents: 16
In 2015, the Aquarius Science team met for the Science Calibration/Validation Workshop held in Santa Rosa, California. The two-day meeting was focused on the path to Version 4 data processing.
Agenda | Documents
Seattle, Washington
Documents: 69
In November 2014, the Aquarius/SAC-D satellite mission convened the 9th Science Meeting in Seattle, WA, USA. This was the 3rd science meeting since the mission was launched on 10 June 2011. This meeting was scheduled to coincide with the completion of NASA's Aquarius 3-year prime salinity measurement mission in November. The agenda emphasized the scientific achievements of these three years, validating the NASA mission science requirements, and to form future plans for Aquarius extended mission science (NASA Senior Review in 2015). The meeting focused on the Aquarius/SAC-D science team and the NASA Ocean Salinity Science Team (OSST) activities.
Agenda | Documents
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Documents: 60
In November 2013, the eighth Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The meeting was focused on the mission health and status, data analysis, scientific results, instrument performance, data processing, calibration, validation and mission science requirements assessment. The program consisted of a series of plenary session covering science overviews, the latest algorithms for Aquarius and Microwave Radiometer (MWR) sensors, and a series of excellent presentations on data validation and science results with Aquarius data, in addition to more technical splinter meetings.
Agenda | Documents
Brest, France
Documents: 44
In April 2013, over 120 members of the international science community met at IFREMER (Brest, France) to discuss understanding salinity using satellites (e.g., European Space Agency's "Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity," SMOS and NASA's Aquarius instrument), in-water instruments (e.g., Argo Program), and computer models. The goal of this workshop was to provide the SMOS and Aquarius science communities with an overview on the present quality of the provided data, and an outlook on future algorithm developments.
Agenda | Abstracts | Meeting Summary | Documents
Online Workshop
Documents: 21
In late January 2013, over 90 people participated in the online 3-day Aquarius Science Calibration/Validation (Cal/Val) workshop. Objectives included assessing the following: overall accuracy of the data; radiometer calibration performance; antenna pattern correction; performance of the radio frequency interference (RFI) mitigation algorithm; scatterometer performance; and accuracy of geophysical modeling algorithms. The workshop provided a thorough review of sensor calibration and science data processing status, leading to a successful dissemination of Aquarius V2.0 in winter 2013.
Agenda | Documents
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
Documents: 0
Held at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, the October 2012 Aquarius Science Calibration/Validation workshop focused on reviewing the post-launch Calibration/Validation plan, and making decisions on the path toward Version 2.0 processing.
Agenda | Documents
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Documents: 46
The first post-launch Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina in April, 2012. More than 120 scientists and engineers from around the world shared scientific findings along with the status of each observatory instrument and its data. Presentations focused on the first data analysis, including the in-orbit checkout, data processing, calibration, validation and near-term data analysis.
Objectives and Agenda | Documents
Santa Rosa, CA
Documents: 0
The Aquarius Calibration/Validation Workshop took place in Santa Rosa, California in late March 2012. The objectives of the two day workshop were to (1) assess radiometer calibration performance, (2) review tht RFI mitigation algorithms, (3) review scatterometer calibration performance and algorithm, (4)review the geophysical correction algorithms and performance, and to make decisions on the path towards Aquarius data Version 1.4 processing.
Agenda | Documents
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
Documents: 36
The objective of the 2011 Aquarius Calibration/Validation Workshop was to discuss post-launch plans for the Calibration and Validation of the Aquarius/SAC-D satellite. The three day workshop's objectives were to: (1) review the radio frequency interference (RFI) mitigation algorithms, review the (2) radiometer and (3) scatterometer calibration performance, (4) assess the performance of geophysical correction algorithms, and (5) make decisions that would lead to the processing of data Version 1.3.
Agenda | Documents
Seattle, Washington
Documents: 31
In July 2010, over 100 members of the international Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team community met in Seattle, WA. This was the 6th Science Team meeting and the last before the launch of the Aquarius/SAC-D satellite in June 2011. The meeting focused on the science team's preparations for launch, including the in-orbit checkout, data processing, calibration, validation and near-term data analysis, as well as near-term science applications.
Objectives and Agenda | Documents